
This page will be updated during the course 2015

Sea ice 2

Lecture, exercises and practical by Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke

Description of the course

The lecture will cover the thermodynamic coupling between the sea ice, the ocean, and the atmosphere. It is designed for master-level students with moderate knowledge in numerical methods, scientific programming, and sea ice physics. A conceptual model of the Arctic will be derived and simulation results will be analyzed. For didactical reasons the model will be developed from scratch and kept as simple as possible, but complex enough to learn about the basic principles of the thermodynamic interaction between the ocean, the ice and the atmosphere for climatic, oceanographic and meteorological studies.

Sea Ice Prediction Network Webinar 3 March 2015 by Elizabeth Hunke "Sea Ice Modeling: Characteristics and Processes Critical for the Radiation Budget"

Lesson 0 - A short introduction to the Python programming language

Lesson 1+2 - Ocean mixed layer and radiative forcing without sea ice and atmosphere

Group results

/Group1 /Group2 /Group3 /Group4 /Group5 /Group6 /Group7 /Group8 /Group9 /Group10

Scenario 1

Research questions

Compute the time evolution of the ocean mixed layer temperature T_ml(t) for different h_ml, initial temperatures T_ml(t=0), and short wave insolation Q_SW.

Estimate the typical time scale for stationarity and select appropriate time step delta_t for model integration.

Change insolation after the model has reached stationarity.

Lesson 3+4: Incoming shortwave radiation

Top of the atmosphere

A rough approximation for the flux of solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) can be derived from geometric considerations, e.g. Parkinson and Washington (1979)

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with the solar constant S=1360 W/m2, the solar zenith angle Z. The cosine of the zenith angle is given by

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are latitude, declination, and hour angle in the equatorial coordinate system, respectively. The declination and hour angle are approximately calculated as

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whereas the solar time is given in hours and it may be approximated by 24 hours per day.

Research questions


Radiative flux measurements are available from the Clouds and the Earth s Radiant Energy System (CERES) sensor. Climatology products from the NASA Langley Research Center Atmospheric Science Data Center can be used to validate flux parameterizations. The CERES-Terra 5-year TOA global product has an easy to use browse interface. Select Terra based CERES EBAF (Net Adjusted) Browse Products (Monthly Means) Shortwave Incoming for a comparison to your results.



A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth (advanced)

For paleoclimate applications it is interesting to know how to calculate the insolation from astronomical parameters: La2004, source code

Lesson 5+6: Arctic surface energy balance

In this lesson we look at the energy fluxes at the ocean surface in polar latitudes. We will analyse the importance (magnitudes) of the different fluxes.


Research questions

Observed fluxes from SHEBA experiment

The Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean Project provides a unique data set for sea ice studies. Huwald et al. 2005 Table 2 Table with numbers only and columns ordered Jan. to Dec.

Table 2. Monthly and Yearly Means of the Energy Budget Components                                                                                                       

Var     Nov.    Dec.    Jan.    Feb.    March   April   May     June    July    Aug.    Sept.   Oct.    Year Mean
Fswd    0.1     0.0     0.0     5.1     46.3    142.3   248.7   280.4   211.4   110.8   39.9    20.0    92.1
Fswu    -0.1    0.0     0.0     -4.3    -39.4   -120.5  -204.4  -200.2  -135.9  -77.6   -25.9   -13.0   -68.5
Fsw     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.8     7.0     21.9    44.4    80.1    75.5    33.2    13.9    7.0     23.6
Fswp    0.0     0.0     0.0     0.1     0.6     1.8     3.6     9.6     12.8    5.5     0.5     0.2     2.9
Flwd    209.6   152.0   170.5   163.8   201.2   220.0   245.7   282.5   299.7   299.3   282.2   245.9   231.0
Flwu    -227.1  -185.2  -197.6  -190.2  -222.1  -242.4  -273.7  -308.2  -314.5  -310.7  -293.0  -260.1  -252.1
Flw     -17.6   -33.2   -27.1   -26.4   -20.8   -22.4   -28.0   -25.7   -14.8   -11.4   -10.7   -14.2   -21.0
Fsh     3.4     6.4     4.7     7.5     3.0     0.6     -1.1    1.5     1.6     -2.3    -0.4    1.5     2.4
Flh     0.3     0.3     0.1     0.0     -0.6    -0.5    -2.1    -2.2    -0.3    -1.5    -0.9    -0.3    -0.6
Fnet    -13.8   -26.5   -22.4   -18.2   -12.0   -2.1    11.9    44.2    49.1    12.5    3.8     -5.0    1.7
Fcs     14.8    19.7    13.1    13.1    8.3     7.0     2.2     -2.0    -3.7    -0.5    4.6     9.7     7.2
Fms     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     -3.2    -30.4   -48.0   -6.0    -4.0    -2.0    -7.8
Frs     1.0     -6.8    -9.3    -5.2    -3.7    4.8     10.9    12.4    -2.7    7.6     5.4     3.2     1.5
Fcb     -9.4    -13.0   -14.6   -13.3   -11.9   -8.2    -5.5    -2.6    -0.4    1.3     -2.3    -5.9    -7.1
Fmb     6.4     9.6     10.7    8.3     4.5     4.2     0.9     -7.3    -13.5   -15.2   -8.0    -0.8    0.0
Focn    3.0     3.4     3.9     5.0     7.4     4.0     4.6     9.9     13.9    13.9    10.3    6.7     7.1
Abbreviations are as follows: Fswd, Fswu, Fsw, Fswp, downward, upward, net, and penetrating shortwave radiation, respectively; Flwd, Flwu, Flw, downward, upward, and net longwave radiation, respectively; Fsh, Flh, sensible and latent heat flux, respectively; Fnet, net atmospheric heat fluxes; Fcs, conductive heat flux at the surface; Fms, energy of melt at the surface; Frs, net residual heat flux at the surface. The last three lines show the monthly and yearly means of the basal conductive heat flux (Fcb), energy of melt (Fmb), and the net residual heat flux, i.e., the ocean heat flux (Focn). All values are given in Wm-2.                                                                                                   

How to use NCEP data

   1 from pylab import *
   2 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, addcyclic
   3 #import scipy.io # Old Version
   4 from netCDF4 import Dataset
   6 filename='air.mon.ltm.nc'
   7 #fid=scipy.io.netcdf_file(filename,'r') # open file and create file identifier
   8 fid=Dataset(filename,'r',format='NETCDF4')
  10 print fid.description
  11 print 'File includes the following variables'
  12 for i in fid.variables.keys():
  13     print i
  15 lat0=fid.variables['lat']
  16 lon0=fid.variables['lon']
  17 air0=fid.variables['air']
  19 print 'Units of variable air ',air0.units
  21 # Make a copy for modification
  22 lon=lon0[:].copy()
  23 lat=lat0[:].copy()
  24 air=air0[:,:,:].copy()
  26 month=0 # select January
  28 T=air[month,:,:]
  30 # add cyclic for the gap between 360 and 0 deg longitude
  31 Tc, lonc = addcyclic(T, lon)
  33 m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=0.0,lat_0=90.0,resolution='l')
  34 x, y = m(*meshgrid(lonc,lat))
  35 ps=linspace(-40,40,9)
  36 m.contourf(x,y,Tc,ps,cmap=cm.jet)
  37 m.drawcoastlines()
  38 m.drawmeridians(arange(0, 360, 30))
  39 m.drawparallels(arange(-90, 90, 30))
  40 title('NCEP '+air0.var_desc)
  41 colorbar(shrink=0.5)
  42 savefig('ncep.png',dpi=75)
  43 show()


Lesson 7: Sea ice model

The 0-layer model of Semtner (1976) shall be implemented and tested. Use Newton-Raphson iteration (5 steps)

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to solve the energy balance equation for the surface temperature.


Standard parameters of Semtner (1976) in SI units:

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Research questions

Deliverable: Report (15 August 2015)

Report format: PDF and .ipynb (if source code is not included in the PDF)

Send to: lars.kaleschke@uni-hamburg.de


This lecture is derived from content of a lecture Sea ice modeling by Aike Beckmann (Univ. Hamburg, Summer 2009) and a short course on Ice-Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation which was conducted by Frank Kauker and Michael Karcher (Univ. Bremen, 6-7 December 2006).


References for download

Maykut, G.A. & N. Untersteiner, 1971: Some results from a time-dependent thermodynamic model of sea ice. J. Geophys. Res.,76, 1550-1575.

Semtner, A., 1976: A model for the thermodynamic growth of sea ice in numerical investigations of climate, J. Phys. Oceanogr, 6, 379-389.

Hibler III, W.D., 1979: A dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 9, 815-846.

Parkinson, C.L. & W.M. Washington, 1979: A large-scale numerical model of sea ice., J. Geophys. Res., 84, 311-337.

Sellers, W.D., 1969: A Global Climatic Model Based on the Energy Balance of the Earth-Atmosphere System, J. Appl. Met., 8(3), 392-400.

Philipp Johannes Griewank (2014): A 1D model study of brine dynamics in sea ice

LehreWiki: 63-936_2015 (last edited 2015-07-22 12:07:20 by anonymous)