
I'm very sorry to say that the modifications made on 9th May are not totally correct. We did several additional corrections these days. And I'm very glad that the model is now running quit well. From the model results of the first year, I chould hardly see anything unreasonable. Here attached are the new codes, with all corrections been marked by '200805' and commented. And since the former utilities used to interpolate the NCEP heat flux data have not yet considered the land-sea distribution of NCEP dataset, I have developed a new set of utilities which is also attached here. And more, since I have optimized the subroutine InitM2, the programs to generate the input file "Rogtide.dat" are modified as well. But the original tide data and OTPS utilities are not included here in the .zip file, because you can download them easily on the website given below. Please have a look at these codes and comment on them. Good luck!


update by Dan Song - written by Jian Su 16.05.2008

IfmWiki: TO/Hamsom/BugReport (last edited 2010-05-28 18:18:55 by MartinGade)