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== Wintersemester 2009/2010 == == Wintersemester 2010/2011 ==
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 * Sea ice growth
 * Climatology
 * Surface heat balance
 * Interaction with the atmosphere
 * Interaction with the ocean
 * Electromagnetic properties
 * Remote sensing: sea ice type and concentration
 * Remote sensing: sea ice drift
 * Remote sensing: sea ice thickness
 * Sea ice dynamics
 * [[/Growth|Sea ice growth]]
 * [[/SurfaceHeatBalance|Surface heat balance]]
 * [[/Polynya|Interaction with the atmosphere - Polynyas]]
 * [[/Ocean|Interaction with the ocean]]
 * [[/Drift|Interaction with the ocean and the atmosphere - Sea ice drift]]
 * [[/Electromagnetic|Sea ice dielectric properties relevant for remote sensing]]
 * 12 January 2011 Exam
 * [[/RemoteSensing|Remote sensing: sea ice type and concentration, sea ice thickness]]

 * Thomas, Dieckmann, Sea Ice, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
 * Serreze, M.C. and R.G. Barry, The Arctic Climate System, Cambridge University Press, 2009
 * Matti Lepparanta, The Drift Of Sea Ice, Springer, 2010
 * Hajo Eicken et al., Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research, University of Alaska Press, 2010
 * Carsey, Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea Ice, AGU 1992

Sea ice in the climate system

Lecture and exercises by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke

  • Wednesday 11:30-13:00
  • Room ZMAW 133

Wintersemester 2010/2011


  • Thomas, Dieckmann, Sea Ice, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
  • Serreze, M.C. and R.G. Barry, The Arctic Climate System, Cambridge University Press, 2009
  • Matti Lepparanta, The Drift Of Sea Ice, Springer, 2010
  • Hajo Eicken et al., Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research, University of Alaska Press, 2010
  • Carsey, Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea Ice, AGU 1992

LehreWiki: Seaice (last edited 2017-10-17 14:05:08 by anonymous)