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Revision 56 as of 2013-11-11 14:39:12
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Editor: anonymous
Revision 93 as of 2016-10-26 08:20:17
Size: 3462
Editor: anonymous
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Sea ice in the climate system =

Lecture and exercises by [[LarsKaleschke| Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke]]
= 63-755 Meereis im Klimasystem - Sea ice in the climate system =
Lecture and exercises by [[LarsKaleschke|Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke]]
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 * Grindelberg 5, Room 008  * Bundesstraße 53, room 133, 023 (from 2nd November on)

MSc Oceanography, Geophysics, Meteorology, ICSS


== Wintersemester ==
Preliminary planning:

 * [[Seaice/Nomenclature|Introduction]]
 * [[Seaice/Lesson2|Feedbacks and interactions overview, sea ice types]]
 * [[Seaice/Snow|Snow on sea ice]]
 * [[Seaice/Growth|Sea ice growth]]
 * [[Seaice/SurfaceHeatBalance|Surface heat balance]]
 * [[Seaice/Polynya|Polynyas]]
 * [[Seaice/Ocean|Interaction with the ocean]]
 * [[Seaice/Drift|Sea ice drift]]
 * [[Seaice/Electromagnetic|Sea ice remote sensing]]
 * [[Seaice/AIDJEX|Sea ice mechanics and The Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX)]]
 * 11 January 2017 preparation for exam: Key facts for exam [[attachment:Zusammenfassung_SeaIce.pdf]] [[attachment:Factsheet.zip]] (not necessarily correct or appropriate! You are allowed to use two double-sided handwritten A4 pages!)
 * 18 January 2017 Exam
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== Wintersemester ==
(Slides will be updated from last years course)

 * [[Seaice/solution|Example solutions of exercises]]
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 * [[/Nomenclature|Vocabulary (nomenclature, technical terms, sea ice zones)]]
 * [[/Phase_diagram|Sea ice phase diagram and composition]]
 * [[/AIDJEX|Sea ice mechanics and The Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX)]]
 * 11. November Excursion to the ice laboratories of the [[http://www.hsva.de/| Hamburg Ship Model Basin HSVA]]
 * [[/Growth|Sea ice growth]]
 * [[/SurfaceHeatBalance|Surface heat balance]]
 * [[/Polynya|Interaction with the atmosphere - Polynyas]]
 * [[/Ocean|Interaction with the ocean]]
 * [[/Drift|Interaction with the ocean and the atmosphere - Sea ice drift]]
 * [[/Electromagnetic|Sea ice remote sensing]]
 * 8 January 2014 preparation for exam: Key facts for exam [[attachment:Meereisklausur_2013A.pdf|Group A.pdf]] [[attachment:Meereisklausur_2013B.pdf|Group B.pdf]] (not necessarily correct or appropriate!)
 * 15 January 2014 Exam
 * Excursion to the ice laboratories of the [[http://www.hsva.de/| Hamburg Ship Model Basin HSVA]] (date to be defined)

(Slides will be updated from last years course)
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 * Thomas, Dieckmann, Sea Ice, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009  * [[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/9781444317145|Thomas, Dieckmann, Sea Ice, Wiley-Blackwell, Second Edition 2010]]
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 * [[http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-6202-2|Jérôme Weiss, Drift, Deformation, and Fracture of Sea Ice - A Perspective Across Scales, SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences 2013]]
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 * Polar remote sensing / Dan Lubin and Robert Massom
 * Remote sensing of sea ice in the Northern Sea route : studies and applications / Ola M. Johannessen 
 * [[http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/3-540-30785-0|Polar remote sensing / Dan Lubin and Robert Massom]]
 * Remote sensing of sea ice in the Northern Sea route : studies and applications / Ola M. Johannessen
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 * [[http://www.meereisportal.de/|AWI Meereisportal]]
 * [[http://neven1.typepad.com/blog/|Arctic Sea Ice Blog]]
 * [[http://seaice.de/Mittagsmagazin.mp4|ARD Mittagsmagazin, 22. April 2014]]; [[http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/schifffahrt-in-der-arktis-deutsche-forscher-entwickeln-eis-navi-a-959612.html|Routenplaner: Mit dem Eis-Navi durch die Arktis]]
 * [[http://www.npolar.no/n-ice2015|Norwegian Young sea ICE cruise (N-ICE2015)]]

63-755 Meereis im Klimasystem - Sea ice in the climate system

Lecture and exercises by Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke

  • Wednesday 11:00-12:30
  • Bundesstraße 53, room 133, 023 (from 2nd November on)

MSc Oceanography, Geophysics, Meteorology, ICSS



Preliminary planning:

(Slides will be updated from last years course)




LehreWiki: Seaice (last edited 2017-10-17 14:05:08 by anonymous)