#acl AdminGroup:read,write,delete,revert EditorGroup:read All:read #format wiki #language en #pragma section-numbers off = Sea ice in the climate system = Lecture and exercises by [[LarsKaleschke| Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke]] * Wednesday * 11:30-13:00 * Room ZMAW 133 * First lecture 22. October == Wintersemester 2008/2009 == Lectures: * [[/Lesson1|22.10. Nomenclature, technical terms]] * [[/Lesson2|29.10. Phase diagram]] * [[/Lesson3|5.11. Growth]] * [[/Lesson4|12.11. Mechanics]] * [[/Lesson5|19.11. Climatology]] * [[/Lesson6|26.11. Surface radiative heat balance]] * [[/Lesson7|3.12. Interaction with the atmosphere]] * [[/Lesson8|10.12. Interaction with the ocean]] * [[/Lesson9|17.12. Electromagnetic properties and remote sensing measurement techniques]] * [[/Lesson10|7.1. Remote sensing: sea ice type and concentration]] * [[/Lesson11|14.1. Remote sensing: sea ice thickness]] * [[/Lesson12|21.1. Remote sensing: sea ice drift]] * 28.1. Exam * 4.2. Evaluation Guest presentations: * 31.10. 9:00 Geomatikum H3 Gerhard Dieckmann (AWI): Ikaite in sea ice * 4.11. 10:15 ZMAW 22/23 Bruno Tremblay (McGill University, Canada): Abrupt changes in summer Arctic sea ice extent * 11.11. 15:15 ZMAW 22/23 Eckhard Kleine (BSH): A model for sea ice mechanics == Sommersemester 2009 == Jun.-Prof. Lars Kaleschke, Prof. Dr. Aike Beckmann [[/Meereis-Modellierung|Meereis-Modellierung]] Vorläufige Planung * 8.4. Vorbesprechung * 15.4. LK: Wdh. Meereis 1 * 22.4. LK: Wdh. Meereis 1 * 29.4. LK: Wdh. Meereis 1 * 6.5. LK: Wdh. Meereis 1 * 13.5. LK: [[/Praktische Numerik]] * 27.5. LK: Praktische Numerik * 10.6. LK: Praktische Numerik * 17.6. AB: Wärmeleitung im Meereis * 24.6. AB: Eiswachstum und Schmelzen * 1.7. AB: Eiskonzentration und Klassen * 8.7. AB: Eisdynamik * 15.7. LK+AB: Resume, Evaluation ---- * (Sea ice modeling: [[/SeaIceBoxmodel| Arctic Sea Ice Boxmodel]] ?) * (Paleoclimate, Future scenarios?)