Resize water mask, pure and lame Python code {{{ #!/usr/bin/env python ''' resize modis 44 w water mask using trs standard scaling factors usage: example: mod33h03v04.hdf 12 ''' import Nio import numpy, pylab import sys, os import time # from funcs import array_funcs as mask print "hello" timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime()) fpath = sys.argv[1] dname = os.popen('dirname %s' % fpath).read().strip() tile_no = os.popen('basename %s' % fpath).read().strip() tile_no = tile_no.split(".")[2] scale_f = sys.argv[2] print "" print "Output directory:\t%s" % dname print "Tile:\t%s" % tile_no odir = dname oname = "" % (tile_no, scale_f) print "Output file path\t%s/%s" % (odir, oname) print "Timestamp\t%s" % timestamp scale = sys.argv[2] # pixel resolution scf = float(scale)/250 iscf = int(scf) # load water mask data wm_file = Nio.open_file(fpath) wm = wm_file.variables["water_mask"][:] ydim, xdim = wm.shape ndim = ydim / scf; mdim = xdim / scf Y = int(ndim) X = int(mdim) new_wm = numpy.ones((Y,X))*2 # mask.scf = iscf # mask.mode() i = 0 while i <= ydim: i = i + scf j = 0 while j <= xdim: j = j + scf box = wm[i-scf:i, j-scf:j] frc = sum(box.flatten()) / scf**2 if frc <= 100: try: new_wm[i/scf - 1, j/scf - 1] = frc except: pass else: pass # pylab.imshow(new_wm); # new_wm = mask.new_wm new_wm = pylab.flipud(new_wm) opath = "%s/%s" % (odir, oname) if os.path.isfile(opath) == True: os.remove(opath) ofile = Nio.open_file(opath, "c") ofile.Conventions = "CF-1.4" = "Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology" = "Mikhail Itkin, mailto:" ofile.create_dimension("Y", Y) # latitude ofile.create_dimension("X", X) # longitude ofile.create_variable("water_mask", 'h', ("Y", "X")) var = ofile.variables["water_mask"] var.long_name = "Fraction of water area" var.units = "percent" var.source = "SRTM 0.9 km + MODIS 250m imagery" var.references = "" ofile.comments = "%s $PROJECTS/watermask/ %s" % (timestamp, scf) var._FillValue = numpy.array(-999,dtype=numpy.int16) new_wm = numpy.where(new_wm > 1, -9.99, new_wm) new_wm = numpy.array(new_wm*100, dtype = numpy.int16) # new_wm = numpy.array(new_wm, dtype=numpy.uint16) var[:] = new_wm ofile.close() }}}