Differences between revisions 21 and 22
Revision 21 as of 2009-10-26 12:53:54
Size: 3987
Editor: anonymous
Revision 22 as of 2009-11-14 19:25:34
Size: 4092
Editor: anonymous
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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To enable Basemap (on ZMAW Linux ia32/x64 and solaris10) you have to type before starting Python To enable Basemap (on ZMAW Linux ia32/x64 and solaris10) you have to type before starting Python2.4.4:
Line 28: Line 28:
or or to start Python2.6.2:
Line 30: Line 30:
module unload Python
module load ncl/5.0.0-bin
Line 33: Line 31:
module load Python/2.6
module load gdal
module load Python/2.6.2
Line 44: Line 41:
=== PyNGL === === PyNGL PyNio ===
Line 52: Line 49:

Please note, that Nio should be on the top of the list, e.g.

import Nio
from osgeo import gdal
import pylab as pl

Scientific Programming with Python


Modules for Scientific Computing and Visualization



To enable Basemap (on ZMAW Linux ia32/x64 and solaris10) you have to type before starting Python2.4.4:

module load Python/2.4.4

or to start Python2.6.2:

module load R/2.7.0
module load Python/2.6.2

In Python you can import the Basemap module by

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap



To enable PyNGL (on ZMAW Linux ia32/x64 and solaris10) you have to type

module load PyNGL/1.2.0

Please note, that Nio should be on the top of the list, e.g.

import Nio
from osgeo import gdal
import pylab as pl

Python Interface to GrADS


F2PY: Fortran to Python interface generator

Calling Fortran code from python is easy! Create a file hello.f:

C File hello.f
      subroutine foo (a)
      integer a
      print*, "Hello from Fortran!"
      print*, "a=",a

Run f2py -c -m hello hello.f

Now in IPython try:

In [1]: import hello
In [2]: hello.foo(4)
 Hello from Fortran!
 a=           4

Example taken from

Topical Modules

More topical software can be found at http://scipy.org/Topical_Software

Installation in the home directory

The seawater module is installed on the ZMAW machines for Python 2.6. Use

module load Python/2.6.2

to set up the environment. In the following it is explained how to install the module for the case if it would be not available or if a different version of python has to be used.

Installation of module seawater in directory ~/modules

python setup.py install --prefix=~/modules/


import sys,os
if not sys.path.__contains__(genpath):
from seawater import *


A basic system for scientific computing consists of Python, ipython, numpy/scipy, pylab, and an editor of your choice

The python(x,y) distribution contains all that above.

LehreWiki: Python/Links (last edited 2009-11-25 14:07:56 by anonymous)