Basic Python
This lesson includes the basic Python language. No modules have to be imported, except for the extended data types where a numpy array is used.
Built-in keywords
Python built-in keywords
help> keywords and else import raise assert except in return break exec is try class finally lambda while continue for not yield def from or del global pass elif if print
Built-in types
Python built-in numeric types
There are four distinct numeric types:
plain integers int
long integers long
floating point numbers float
complex numbers complex
In addition, Booleans are a subtype of plain integers
Boolean (logical) types
- True
- False
x + y sum of x and y x - y difference of x and y x * y product of x and y x / y quotient of x and y x // y (floored) quotient of x and y x % y remainder of x / y -x x negated +x x unchanged abs(x) absolute value or magnitude of x int(x) x converted to integer long(x) x converted to long integer float(x) x converted to floating point complex(re,im) a complex number with real part re, imaginary part im. im defaults to zero c.conjugate() conjugate of the complex number c x ** y x to the power y
Boolean Operations: and, or, not
x or y if x is false, then y, else x x and y if x is false, then x, else y not x if x is false, then True, else False
< strictly less than <= less than or equal > strictly greater than >= greater than or equal == equal != not equal is object identity
Sequence types
String str
List list
Tuple tuple
x in s True if an item of s is equal to x, else False x not in s False if an item of s is equal to x, else True s + t the concatenation of s and t s[i] i'th item of s s[i:j] slice of s from i to j s[i:j:k] slice of s from i to j with step k len(s) length of s min(s) smallest item of s max(s) largest item of s
Variables, assignment
The assignment statement = creates new variables and gives them values
a=2 l=9**1000L S='Hello' f=1e5
Lists and tuples
Lists [] are mutable sequences of values
Tuples () can not be changed (immutable)
In [5]: a=[1,2,3] In [6]: b=(1,2,3) In [7]: a[0] Out[7]: 1 In [8]: b[0] Out[8]: 1 In [9]: a[0]=4 In [10]: a Out[10]: [4, 2, 3] In [11]: b[0]=4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- exceptions.TypeError
Indexing and slicing
Indices [] select elements of variables
- Indices start from zero
x[a:b] selects a slice of elements from variable x
In [1]: a=range(10) In [2]: a Out[2]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] In [3]: a[0:4] Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3] In [4]: a[4:] Out[4]: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] In [5]: a[:4] Out[5]: [0, 1, 2, 3] In [6]: a[:-1] Out[6]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] In [7]: s='Hello world' In [8]: s[:5] Out[8]: 'Hello' In [9]: a=tuple(range(10)) In [10]: a[0:4] Out[10]: (0, 1, 2, 3)
List built-in functions (methods)
L.append(object) -- append object to end
L.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value
L.extend(iterable) -- extend list by appending elements from the iterable
L.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value
L.insert(index, object) -- insert object before index
L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default last)
L.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*
L.sort() -- sort *IN PLACE*
In [72]: L=['C','A','B'] In [73]: L.sort() In [74]: L Out[74]: ['A', 'B', 'C'] In [75]: L.pop() Out[75]: 'C' In [76]: L Out[76]: ['A', 'B'] In [77]: L.insert(1,'C') In [78]: L Out[78]: ['A', 'C', 'B']
Nested data structures
In [84]: a=range(10) In [85]: b=range(0,10,2) In [86]: b Out[86]: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] In [87]: c=[a,b] In [88]: c Out[88]: [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]] In [91]: c[0] Out[91]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] In [92]: c[1] Out[92]: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] In [93]: c[0][0:4] Out[93]: [0, 1, 2, 3] In [94]: c[1][0:4] Out[94]: [0, 2, 4, 6]
- A dictionary is like a list, but more general.
- In a list, the indices have to be integers; in a dictionary they can be (almost) any type.
d={} creates empty dictionary
d[key]=value add a key, value pair to dictionary
d.keys() returns list of keys
In [95]: D={} In [96]: D['a']=range(10) In [97]: D['b']=range(0,10,2) In [98]: D Out[98]: {'a': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 'b': [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]} In [99]: D['a'] Out[99]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] In [100]: D.keys() Out[100]: ['a', 'b']
Looping over a list is done for the for statement
enumerate() returns an enumerated object
In [106]: a=['Hund','Katze','Maus'] In [108]: for i in a: .....: print i .....: Hund Katze Maus In [111]: for i,j in enumerate(a): .....: print i,j .....: 0 Hund 1 Katze 2 Maus
Control statements
Conditions can be checked with if-else statement
if condition: indented block
In [116]: if a==1: .....: print 'a=1' .....: else: .....: print 'a != 1' .....: a=1
There are many ways to import modules. The resulting namespaces are different
Import module SciPy: import scipy
List SciPy subpackages help(scipy) or
Import SciPy subpackage n-dimensional image package import scipy.ndimage
List ndimage functions help(scipy.ndimage)
Help on ndimage function laplace help(scipy.ndimage.laplace)
Import SciPy module into local namespace from scipy import *
Import SciPy subpackage ndimage in namespace ndi import scipy.ndimage as ndi
Write source for this object to output scipy.source(ndi.laplace)
Reload a (changed) module dreload(module name)
Variable names
Allowed names for identifier (name of variable or function):
Any sequence of alphabetical character, number, or underline character _
- First symbol has to be a character
- Case sensitive
- Not a python built-in keyword
Name space
The Python interpreter maps the name of an identifier in the active name space. The active name space depends on the active code block (module, function). The identifier can be local or global with respect to the active code block.
1 import scipy
2 scipy.pi # pi is in the name space of scipy
4 from scipy import pi
5 pi # pi is in the active name space
7 from scipy import *
8 pi # all identifiers of scipy are in the active name space
10 del(pi) # Deletes pi from the active name space
11 reset # ipython function to delete all identifiers
Built-in datatypes
Plain integer: 9
Long integer: 9**99, 1L
Hex integer: 0x10
Floating point: 0.1
Exponential floating point: 1e-3
Complex: 3+2j
- int()
- long()
- float()
- complex()
- str()
Extended data types
NumPy/SciPy provides a multidimensional array data type. An array can hold arbitrary Python objects but usually they are used for N-dimensional numeric data types. We will learn more about arrays in the next chapter.
Array creation
empty((d1,d2),dtype) returns uninitialized array of shape d1,d2.
zeros((d1,d2),dtype) returns array of shape d1,d2 filled with zeros
ones((d1,d2),dtype) returns array of shape d1,d2 filled with ones
array(object,dtype) returns an array from an object, e.g. a list
dtype fundamental C data type e.g. uint8, int16, int64, float32, float64
Array indexing
A[y,x] returns (y,x) element of the array
A[:,x] returns all elements of the y-dimension at x
A[:,:] returns a copy of two dimensional array A
A[:,:,0] returns the first sub-image of a 3-dimensional array
In this section we first get to know about the built-in functions and after this we will learn how to define our own functions.
Built-in Functions
The Python interpreter has a number of functions built into it that are always available. * Built-in Functions
Important builtin-functions that are needed for the exercise are highlighted in the next sections.
The file object can be used for reading and writing plain text as well as unformatted binary data. The following code writes a message in the file with the name out.txt, reads and print the data
write() writes a string to the file
read() reads complete file
read(N) reads N bytes
readlines() reads the file with linebreaks
readline() reads only the next line
Range is a versatile function to create lists containing arithmetic progressions.
range([start], stop[, step])
type(object) returns the type of an object.
Function with one argument
In [124]: def quadrat(x): .....: return x**2 .....: In [125]: quadrat(2) Out[125]: 4
Function with variable number of arguments
In [126]: def printargs(*args): .....: for arg in args: .....: print arg .....: In [127]: printargs(a) [1, 2, 3] In [128]: printargs(a,range(4)) [1, 2, 3] [0, 1, 2, 3]
Function with variable number of keywords
In [131]: def printkeys(**kw): .....: for k in kw.keys(): .....: print k,kw[k] .....: In [132]: printkeys(key1=10,key2='Hallo') key2 Hallo key1 10
Function with functions as arguments (expert)
Functions can be passed to functions as arguments.
eval(), apply()
In Matlab or IDL the passing of functions to functions works only with a detour using feval() or Call_function()
Of course, this way is possible in Python as well using the eval() or apply() function.
In Fortran it is also possible to pass functions as arguments but with quite some overhead:
Lambda expressions (expert)
Lambda expressions are (anonymous) one line functions
Mapping (expert)
Similar as apply() works with one argument one can call map() with a sequence
The following example shows the combined usage of a lambda expression
Variable Scope (expert)
The scope of an identifier refers to the variable visibility. Variables inside a function have a local scope. Global variables can be declared and used but you should be very careful.
A shell inside the shell (expert)
For debugging purposes it is sometimes useful to investigate local variables at some points. The following example demonstrates a feature of ipython:
In [1]: from spam import spam In [2]: whos Interactive namespace is empty. In [3]: spam('Hello') # Now we are in the ips() call In [1]: whos Variable Type Data/Info ---------------------------- a str Hello b str Hello Spam! In [2]: exit() Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? y Hello Spam! # We are now again in top level In [4]: whos Interactive namespace is empty.
What is the corresponding range() expression for the following lists?
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9] [5, 8, 11, 14, 17] [19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13]
Data types
Please specify the data types:
- D is a ...
- 'b' is a ...
- 1 is a ...
- ('b',1) is a ...
- [('b',1),('c',2)] is a ...
Data structures
1 D={'A':array(range(10)),'B':array(range(10))+1}
Which keys contains the dictionary D
Get the keys with the method D.keys()
Display all values of D using the method .values()
Display array A
Display the elements 3:6 of arrays B
- Set this elements to 0
Insert a new key-values pair C:array(range(0,10,-1)) into D
Files and Strings
Read in this textfile and count the number of occurrence of the string Python. Use the functions/methods open, read, count.