
This lesson motivates the use of Python. The Python programming language is compared with other systems for geo-scientific data processing and analysis.

(Free) Software for Geo-scientific Data Processing and Analysis

Comparison of Programming Languages

Ideal programming language for geo-scientific data processing and analysis

Ideal programming language for geo-scientific data processing and analysis?

Programming versus visual environments

Scripting verus Traditional Programming

Why Python?


Scientific Python Environment

Getting started with IPython and Pylab

Invoking the IPython shell

ipython -pylab

loads matplotlib module and enables interactive plotting

Quit with CTRL-D

Getting help

help modules

list available modules

Features of IPython:

Are you a Matlab user?

The exercise is to plot a sine wave:


>> x=linspace(0,2*pi,100)
>> y=sin(x)
>> plot(x,y)


In [1]: x=linspace(0,2*pi,100)
In [2]: y=sin(x)
In [3]: plot(x,y)

So, it works pretty much the same way!

Of course there are some differences but many similarities.



LehreWiki: OpenSource2010/Lesson1 (last edited 2010-10-18 11:49:45 by anonymous)