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= Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke = | = Dr. Lars Kaleschke = {{attachment:Kaleschke_2011.jpg}} |
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Professor im Amt eines Juniorprofessors<<BR>> | Dr. Lars Kaleschke. KlimaCampus, Universität Hamburg/Foto: D. Ausserhofer |
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Institute of Oceanography (IfM) Bundesstr.<<BR>> ZMAW 1st. floor, room 142<<BR>> |
Institute of Oceanography (IfM) <<BR>> Bundesstr. 53, 20146 Hamburg<<BR>> ZMAW ground floor, room 16<<BR>> |
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* | * [[| Sea Ice Remote Sensing Group]] click here for further informations about projects ---- |
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== Wintersemester 2008 == * [[|Scientific Programming with Python for Satellite Image Processing (LV 63-725/726)]] * [[|Meereis im Klimasystem - (LV 63-721/722)]] |
== Sommersemester 2012 == |
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== Sommersemester 2008 == | * [[|WISS-V Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten]] [[|Lars Kaleschke]] 2012 * [[|Sea ice 2 (Ocean-atmosphere-ice interaction)]] [[|Lars Kaleschke]] 2012 * [[|OZ-M-PROZ2-VProzesse und Beobachtungen 2]] by [[|Lars Kaleschke]] and Detlef Stammer 2012 |
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* [[|SatelliteImageAnalysis]] * [[|SeminarCryosphere]] |
[[/Past_courses|Past Courses]] |
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= Projects = | ---- |
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* CLISAP * DFG - SFB 512 E5 * DFG - SPP Antarktisforschung [[|AICI]] * NERC - [[|OASIS COBRA]] * ESA - SMOS Ice * AWI - MELTEX = Group = * [[| Sea Ice Group]] |
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* Dmitrenko, I. A., S. A. Kirillov, V.V. Ivanov, R. A. Woodgate, I. V. Polyakov, N. Koldunov, L. Fortier, C. Lalande, L. Kaleschke, D. Bauch, J. A. Hölemann, L. A. Timokhov, Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break, JGR-C 2008JC005229, submitted * Bauerfeind, E.,E.M. Nöthig, A. Beszczynska, K. Fahl, L. Kaleschke, K. Kreker, M. Klages, T. Soltwedel, C. Lorenzen, J. Wegner, Particle sedimentation patterns in the Eastern Fram Strait (79°N/4°E) during 2000-2005. Results from the arctic long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN, DSR submitted * Morin, S., J. Savarino, M. Frey, F. Domine, H.-W. Jacobi, L. Kaleschke ,J. M. F. Martins, Comprehensive isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrate in the Atlantic Ocean boundary layer from 65S to 79N, JGR-D, 2008JD010696R, in press * [[|Zhao, T. L., S.L. Gong, J. W. Bottenheim, J. C. McConnell, R. Sander, L. Kaleschke, A. Richter, A. Kerkweg, K. Toyota, and L. A. Barrie (2008), A three dimensional model study on the production of BrO and Arctic boundary layer ozone depletion, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2008JD010631, in press.]] |
== 2012 == * [[|Zygmuntowska, M., Mauritsen, T., Quaas, J., and Kaleschke, L.: Arctic Clouds and Surface Radiation – a critical comparison of satellite retrievals and the ERA-Interim reanalysis, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 6667-6677, doi:10.5194/acp-12-6667-2012, 2012.]] * [[|Schönhardt, A., Begoin, M., Richter, A., Wittrock, F., Kaleschke, L., Gómez Martín, J. C., and Burrows, J. P.: Simultaneous satellite observations of IO and BrO over Antarctica, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 6565-6580, doi:10.5194/acp-12-6565-2012, 2012.]] * [[|Rösel, A., Kaleschke, L., and Birnbaum, G.: Melt ponds on Arctic sea ice determined from MODIS satellite data using an artificial neural network, The Cryosphere, 6, 431-446, doi:10.5194/tc-6-431-2012, 2012.]] * [[|A. Rösel, L. Kaleschke, Exceptional melt pond occurrence in the years 2007 and 2011 on the Arctic sea ice revealed from MODIS satellite data, J. Geophys. Res., in press]] * [[|Röhrs, J., Kaleschke, L., Bröhan, D., and Siligam, P. K.: Corrigendum to "An algorithm to detect sea ice leads by using AMSR-E passive microwave imagery" published in The Cryosphere, 6, 343–352, 2012, The Cryosphere, 6, 365-365, doi:10.5194/tc-6-365-2012, 2012. ]] * [[|Röhrs, J. and Kaleschke, L.: An algorithm to detect sea ice leads by using AMSR-E passive microwave imagery, The Cryosphere, 6, 343-352, doi:10.5194/tc-6-343-2012, 2012.]] * [[|Kaleschke, L., X. Tian-Kunze, N. Maaß, M. Mäkynen, and M. Drusch (2012), Sea ice thickness retrieval from SMOS brightness temperatures during the Arctic freeze-up period, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2012GL050916]] * [[|M. Shokr, L. Kaleschke, Impact of Surface Conditions on Thin Sea Ice Concentration Estimate from Passive Microwave Observations, Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 36–50]] * [[| Nghiem, S. V. V., I. G. G. Rigor, A. Richter, J. P. P. Burrows, P. B. B. Shepson, J. W. Bottenheim, D. G. G. Barber, A. Steffen, J. R. Latonas, F. Wang, G. A. Stern, P. Clemente-Colon, S. Martin, D. K. K. Hall, L. Kaleschke, P. J. Tackett, G. Neumann, and M. G. G. Asplin (2012), Field and satellite observations of the formation and distribution of Arctic atmospheric bromine above a rejuvenated sea ice cover, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D00S05, doi:10.1029/2011JD016268.]] == 2011 == * [[|Schönhardt, A., Begoin, M., Richter, A., Wittrock, F., Kaleschke, L., Gómez Martín, J. C., and Burrows, J. P.: Simultaneous satellite observations of IO and BrO over Antarctica, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 33651-33688, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-33651-2011, 2011.]] * [[|Zygmuntowska, M., Mauritsen, T., Quaas, J., and Kaleschke, L.: Arctic clouds and surface radiation – a critical comparison of satellite retrievals and the ERA-interim reanalysis, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 31495-31522, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-31495-2011, 2011.]] * [[|Rösel, A., Kaleschke, L., and Birnbaum, G.: Melt ponds on Arctic sea ice determined from MODIS satellite data using an artificial neural network, The Cryosphere Discuss., 5, 2991-3024, doi:10.5194/tcd-5-2991-2011, 2011]] accepted for TC * [[|Rösel, A., Kaleschke L., Comparison of different retrieval techniques for melt ponds on Arctic sea ice from Landsat and MODIS satellite data, Annals of Glaciology 52(57) 2011]] == 2010 == * [[|Kaleschke, L., Maaß, N., Haas, C., Hendricks, S., Heygster, G., and Tonboe, R. T.: A sea-ice thickness retrieval model for 1.4 GHz radiometry and application to airborne measurements over low salinity sea-ice, The Cryosphere, 4, 583-592, doi:10.5194/tc-4-583-2010, 2010.]] * [[|Begoin, M., Richter, A., Weber, M., Kaleschke, L., Tian-Kunze, X., Stohl, A., Theys, N., and Burrows, J. P.: Satellite observations of long range transport of a large BrO plume in the Arctic, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 6515-6526, doi:10.5194/acp-10-6515-2010, 2010.]] * [[|Mahajan, A. S., M. Shaw, H. Oetjen, K. E. Hornsby, L. J. Carpenter, L. Kaleschke, X. Tian-Kunze, J. D. Lee, S. J. Moller, P. Edwards, R. Commane, T. Ingham, D. E. Heard, and J. M. C. Plane (2010), Evidence of reactive iodine chemistry in the Arctic boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res.,115, D20303, doi:10.1029/2009JD013665]] * [[|Röhrs, J. and Kaleschke, L.: An algorithm to detect sea ice leads using AMSR-E passive microwave imagery, The Cryosphere Discuss., 4, 183-206, 2010]] * Tiedje, B., A. Moll, L. Kaleschke, Comparison of temporal and spatial structures of chlorophyll derived from MODIS satellite data and ECOHAM3 model data in the North Sea, Journal of Sea Research, 64(3), 250-259, doi:10.1016/j.seares.2010.03.003, 2010 * Kern, S., L. Kaleschke, G. Spreen, Variability of the Nordic Seas ice cover derived from satellite microwave radiometry at 85 GHz: 1992-2008, Tellus A, Volume 62, Issue 4, Pages: 411–434, 2010 * Maaß, N., L. Kaleschke, Improving passive microwave sea ice concentration algorithms for coastal areas - Applications to the Baltic Sea, Tellus A, Volume 62, Issue 4, Pages: 393–410, 2010 == 2009 == * Heygster, G., H. Wiebe, G. Spreen, L. Kaleschke 2009: AMSR-E Geolocation and Validation of Sea Ice Concentrations based on 89 GHz Data. J. of the Remote Sensing Soc. of Japan 29,1, 226-235. * Kern, S., M. Brath, R. Fontes, M. Gade, K.-W. Gurgel, L. Kaleschke, G. Spreen, S. Schulz, A. Winderlich, and D. Stammer, "Multi3Scat - A helicopter-based scatterometer for snow-cover and sea-ice investigations", Geosci. Rem. Sens. Lett., 6(4), DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2009.2023823, 2009 * Bauernfeind, E., E.-M. Nöthig, A. Beszczynska, K. Fahl, L. Kaleschke, K. Kreker, M. Klages, T. Soltwedel, C. Lorenzen, and J. Wegner, "Particle sedimentation patterns in the eastern Fram Strait during 2000-2005: Results from the arctic long-term observatory Hausgarten", Deep-Sea Res. I, DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.04.011, 2009 * Dmitrenko, I. A., S. A. Kirillov, V. V. Ivanov, R. A. Woodgate, I. V. Polyakov, N. Koldunov, L. Fortier, C. Lalande, L. Kaleschke, D. Bauch, J. A. Hölemann, and L. A. Timokhov, "Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break", J. Geophys. Res., 114, C06010, DOI: 10.1029/2008JC005229, 2009 * Lammert A., B. Brümmer, L. Kaleschke , "Observation of cyclone-induced inertial sea-ice oscillation in Fram Strait", Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L10503, DOI: 10.1029/2009GL037197, 2009 * Morin, S., J. Savarino, M. Frey, F. Domine, H.-W. Jacobi, L. Kaleschke, and J. M. F. Martins, "Comprehensive isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrate in the Atlantic Ocean boundary layer from 65S to 79N", J. Geophys. Res, DOI: 10.1029/2008JD010696R, 2009 * Zhao, T. L., S.L. Gong, J. W. Bottenheim, J. C. McConnell, R. Sander, L. Kaleschke, A. Richter, A. Kerkweg, K. Toyota, and L. A. Barrie, "A three dimensional model study on the production of BrO and Arctic boundary layer ozone depletion", J. Geophys. Res., DOI: 10.1029/2008JD010631, 2009 == 2008 == |
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* Gascard, J.-C., et al. (2008), Exploring Arctic Transpolar Drift During Dramatic Sea Ice Retreat, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(3), doi:10.1029/2008EO030001. * Simpson, W.R., R. von Glasow R, K. Riedel, P. Anderson, P. Ariya, J. Bottenheim, J. Burrows, L.J. Carpenter, U. Friess, M.E. Goodsite, D. Heard, M. Hutterli, H.W. Jacobi, L. Kaleschke, B. Neff, J. Plane, U. Platt, A. Richter, H. Roscoe, R. Sander, P. Shepson, J. Sodeau, A. Steffen, T. Wagner, E. Wolff, Halogens and their role in polar boundary-layer ozone depletion, Atm. Chem. Phy. 7(16), 4375-4418, 2007. |
* Gascard, J.-C., J. Festy, H. le Goff, M. Weber, B. Bruemmer, M. Offermann, M. Doble, P. Wadhams, R. Forsberg, S. Hanson, H. Skourup, S. Gerland, M. Nicolaus, J.-P. Metaxian, J. Grangeon, J. Haapala, E. Rinne, C. Haas, G. Heygster, E. Jakobson, T. Palo, J. Wilkinson, L. Kaleschke, K. Claffey, B. Elder, J. Bottenheim, Exploring Arctic Transpolar Drift During Dramatic Sea Ice Retreat, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(3), doi:10.1029/2008EO030001, 2008. == 2007 == * Kern, S., G. Spreen, L. Kaleschke, S. De La Rosa Höhn, and G. Heygster, Polynya Signature Simulation Method polynya area in comparison to AMSR-E 89 GHz sea-ice concentrations in the Ross Sea and off the Adélie Coast, Antarctica, for 2002-05: first results, Ann. Glaciol. , 46, 409-418, 2007 * [[|Simpson, W.R., R. von Glasow R, K. Riedel, P. Anderson, P. Ariya, J. Bottenheim, J. Burrows, L.J. Carpenter, U. Friess, M.E. Goodsite, D. Heard, M. Hutterli, H.W. Jacobi, L. Kaleschke, B. Neff, J. Plane, U. Platt, A. Richter, H. Roscoe, R. Sander, P. Shepson, J. Sodeau, A. Steffen, T. Wagner, E. Wolff, Halogens and their role in polar boundary-layer ozone depletion, Atm. Chem. Phy. 7(16), 4375-4418, 2007.]] |
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== 2003 == |
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== 2001 == |
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= Selected grey publications = * [[|A. Beitsch, L. Kaleschke, G. Spreen, Sea ice outlook 2011 - Second lowest sea ice minimum in 2011]], [[|Sea Ice Outlook]] * [[|C. Lüpkes , T. Vihma , G. Birnbaum , S. Dierer , T. Garbrecht , V. M. Gryanik , M. Gryschka , J. Hartmann , G. Heinemann , L. Kaleschke , S. Raasch , H. Savijärvi , K. H. Schlünzen , and U. Wacker, "Mesoscale Modelling of the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Its Interaction with Sea Ice", in "Arctic Climate Change - The ACSYS Decade and Beyond", P. Lemke, H.W. Jacobi (Eds), Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2027-5, 2012]] * Kaleschke, L., "Gletscher und Meereis - Wie lange noch?", in "Chemie über den Wolken ... und darunter", Herausgegeben von Reinhard Zellner und der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Wiley-VCH, 2011 * [[attachment:egu2005.pdf|Kaleschke, L., J. Hollwedel, A. Richter, J. Burrows, O. Afe, G. Heygster, J. Notholt, H.K. Roscoe, E. W. Wolff, X. Yang 2005: Boundary-layer ozone loss near the poles - why spring and not autumn? 2nd EGU assembly, Vienna, Austria; 2005]] |
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* [[|SMOS versatility offers sea ice mapping, ESA News 2011]] * [[attachment:PM_Seaice_2010_09_15_.pdf|Ice in the Arctic Ocean recedes dramatically for the fourth year in succession, joint press release KlimaCampus, AWI, Klimahaus Bremerhaven, September 2010]] |
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Session chair, convener, organizer | |
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== 2012 == |
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* [[|SMOSIce User Workshop, 17 February 2012, University of Hamburg]] == 2011 == * EGU, HS6.7 SMOS Data Exploitation: Beyond soil moisture and ocean salinity == 2010 == * [[|A21 Oceanography, Cryosphere and Freshwater Flux to the Ocean]] Cryosphere, Polar Oceans and the IPY * [[|Klimawandel und Konflikte:Versicherheitlichung versus präventive Friedenspolitik?]] Arktis Forum |
Dr. Lars Kaleschke
Dr. Lars Kaleschke. KlimaCampus, Universität Hamburg/Foto: D. Ausserhofer
University of Hamburg
Institute of Oceanography (IfM)
Bundesstr. 53, 20146 Hamburg
ZMAW ground floor, room 16
+49 (0) 40 / 42838 6518
My e-mail adress: <lars DOT kaleschke AT SPAMFREE zmaw DOT de>
Sea Ice Remote Sensing Group click here for further informations about projects
Sommersemester 2012
Sea ice 2 (Ocean-atmosphere-ice interaction) Lars Kaleschke 2012
OZ-M-PROZ2-VProzesse und Beobachtungen 2 by Lars Kaleschke and Detlef Stammer 2012
- Tiedje, B., A. Moll, L. Kaleschke, Comparison of temporal and spatial structures of chlorophyll derived from MODIS satellite data and ECOHAM3 model data in the North Sea, Journal of Sea Research, 64(3), 250-259, doi:10.1016/j.seares.2010.03.003, 2010
- Kern, S., L. Kaleschke, G. Spreen, Variability of the Nordic Seas ice cover derived from satellite microwave radiometry at 85 GHz: 1992-2008, Tellus A, Volume 62, Issue 4, Pages: 411–434, 2010
- Maaß, N., L. Kaleschke, Improving passive microwave sea ice concentration algorithms for coastal areas - Applications to the Baltic Sea, Tellus A, Volume 62, Issue 4, Pages: 393–410, 2010
- Heygster, G., H. Wiebe, G. Spreen, L. Kaleschke 2009: AMSR-E Geolocation and Validation of Sea Ice Concentrations based on 89 GHz Data. J. of the Remote Sensing Soc. of Japan 29,1, 226-235.
Kern, S., M. Brath, R. Fontes, M. Gade, K.-W. Gurgel, L. Kaleschke, G. Spreen, S. Schulz, A. Winderlich, and D. Stammer, "Multi3Scat - A helicopter-based scatterometer for snow-cover and sea-ice investigations", Geosci. Rem. Sens. Lett., 6(4), DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2009.2023823, 2009
- Bauernfeind, E., E.-M. Nöthig, A. Beszczynska, K. Fahl, L. Kaleschke, K. Kreker, M. Klages, T. Soltwedel, C. Lorenzen, and J. Wegner, "Particle sedimentation patterns in the eastern Fram Strait during 2000-2005: Results from the arctic long-term observatory Hausgarten", Deep-Sea Res. I, DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.04.011, 2009
- Dmitrenko, I. A., S. A. Kirillov, V. V. Ivanov, R. A. Woodgate, I. V. Polyakov, N. Koldunov, L. Fortier, C. Lalande, L. Kaleschke, D. Bauch, J. A. Hölemann, and L. A. Timokhov, "Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break", J. Geophys. Res., 114, C06010, DOI: 10.1029/2008JC005229, 2009
- Lammert A., B. Brümmer, L. Kaleschke , "Observation of cyclone-induced inertial sea-ice oscillation in Fram Strait", Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L10503, DOI: 10.1029/2009GL037197, 2009
- Morin, S., J. Savarino, M. Frey, F. Domine, H.-W. Jacobi, L. Kaleschke, and J. M. F. Martins, "Comprehensive isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrate in the Atlantic Ocean boundary layer from 65S to 79N", J. Geophys. Res, DOI: 10.1029/2008JD010696R, 2009
Zhao, T. L., S.L. Gong, J. W. Bottenheim, J. C. McConnell, R. Sander, L. Kaleschke, A. Richter, A. Kerkweg, K. Toyota, and L. A. Barrie, "A three dimensional model study on the production of BrO and Arctic boundary layer ozone depletion", J. Geophys. Res., DOI: 10.1029/2008JD010631, 2009
- Mathew, N., G. Heygster, C. Melsheimer, L. Kaleschke, Surface emissivity of arctic sea ice at AMSU window frequencies, IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens. 46(8), 2298-2306, 2008.
- Ferrari, C. P., C. Padova, X. Fain, P.A. Gauchard, A. Dommergue, K. Aspmo, T. Berg, W. Cairns, C. Barbante, P. Cescon, L. Kaleschke, A. Richter, F. Wittrock, C. Boutron, Atmospheric mercury depletion event stuy in Ny-Alesund (Svalbard) in spring 2005. Deposition and transformation of Hg in surface snow during springtime, Sci. Tot. Env. 397(1-3), 167-177, 2008.
Spreen, G., L. Kaleschke, G. Heygster, Sea Ice Remote Sensing Using AMSR-E 89 GHz Channels, J. Geophys. Res., 113(C2), C02S03, 2008.
- Gascard, J.-C., J. Festy, H. le Goff, M. Weber, B. Bruemmer, M. Offermann, M. Doble, P. Wadhams, R. Forsberg, S. Hanson, H. Skourup, S. Gerland, M. Nicolaus, J.-P. Metaxian, J. Grangeon, J. Haapala, E. Rinne, C. Haas, G. Heygster, E. Jakobson, T. Palo, J. Wilkinson, L. Kaleschke, K. Claffey, B. Elder, J. Bottenheim, Exploring Arctic Transpolar Drift During Dramatic Sea Ice Retreat, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(3), doi:10.1029/2008EO030001, 2008.
- Kern, S., G. Spreen, L. Kaleschke, S. De La Rosa Höhn, and G. Heygster, Polynya Signature Simulation Method polynya area in comparison to AMSR-E 89 GHz sea-ice concentrations in the Ross Sea and off the Adélie Coast, Antarctica, for 2002-05: first results, Ann. Glaciol. , 46, 409-418, 2007
- Andersen, S., R. Tonboe, L. Kaleschke, G. Heygster, L.T. Pedersen, Intercomparison of passive microwave sea ice concentration retrievals over the high-concentration Arctic sea ice, J. Geophys. Res., 112(C8), C08004, 2007.
- Jacobi, H.-W., L. Kaleschke, A. Richter, A. Rozanow, J.P. Burrows, Observation of a fast ozone loss in the marginal ice zone of the Arctic Ocean, J. Geophy. Res. 111(D15), D15309, 2006.
- Gauchard,P. A., K. Aspmo, C. Temme, A. Steffen, C. Ferrari, T. Berg, J. Str\"om, L. Kaleschke, A. Dommergue, E. Bahlmann, O. Magand, F. Planchon, R. Ebinghaus, C. Banic, S. Nagorski, P. Baussand, C. Boutron; Study of the Origin of Atmospheric Mercury Depletion Events recorded in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, spring 2003, Atmos. Env. 39(39), 7620-7632, 2005.
- Kaleschke, L., Richter, A., Burrows, J., Afe, O., Heygster, G., Notholt, J., Rankin, A. M., Roscoe, H. K., Hollwedel, J., Wagner, T., Jacobi, H. W., Frost flowers on sea ice as a source of sea salt and their influence on tropospheric halogen chemistry, Geophysical research letters, 31, L16114, DOI: 10.1029/2004GL020655, 2004.
- Kaleschke, L. and G. Heygster, Towards multisensor microwave remote sensing of frost flowers on sea ice. Annals of Glaciology, 39, 219-222, 2004.
- Kern, S. and L. Kaleschke and D. A. Clausi, A Comparison of two 85 GHz SSM/I Ice Concentration Algorithms with AVHRR and ERS-SAR, IEEE Trans. Geosci. and Remote Sensing, 41(10), 2294-2306, 2003.
- Kaleschke, L., C. Lüpkes, T. Vihma, J. Haarpaintner, A. Bochert, J. Hartmann, G. Heygster: SSM/I Sea Ice Remote Sensing for Mesoscale Ocean-Atmos\-phere Interaction Analysis. Can. J. Remote Sensing 27,5, 526-537, 2001.
Selected grey publications
A. Beitsch, L. Kaleschke, G. Spreen, Sea ice outlook 2011 - Second lowest sea ice minimum in 2011, Sea Ice Outlook
- Kaleschke, L., "Gletscher und Meereis - Wie lange noch?", in "Chemie über den Wolken ... und darunter", Herausgegeben von Reinhard Zellner und der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Wiley-VCH, 2011
Session chair, convener, organizer
- EGU, HS6.7 SMOS Data Exploitation: Beyond soil moisture and ocean salinity
A21 Oceanography, Cryosphere and Freshwater Flux to the Ocean Cryosphere, Polar Oceans and the IPY
Klimawandel und Konflikte:Versicherheitlichung versus präventive Friedenspolitik? Arktis Forum