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Revision 7 as of 2020-10-05 12:13:18
Size: 1624
Editor: MartinGade
Revision 8 as of 2020-10-05 12:16:19
Size: 1597
Editor: MartinGade
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The aim of our studies is to gain information on, and to further the knowledge about, the vulnerability of dedicated marine (coastal and offshore) areas in Indonesia to marine oil pollution. Two regions of interest (ROI) have been identified, the western part of the Java Sea, with borders 105.0°E - 111.0°E and 7.0°S - 3.0°S, and the Makassar Strait, with borders 116.0°E - 120.0°E and 5.5°S - 1.0°N. The ROIs indicated in Fig. 3 were chosen because of high economical activities (including ship traffic) and a high density of MPAs and coral reefs, respectively. Oil pollution density maps will be produced for both areas and, along with sensitivity charts of coastal areas, will be used as input for numerical modelling activities. The ultimate goal of this effort will be to provide qualitative and quantitative information on the way, in which marine oil pollution presents a hazard to particularly sensitive coastal regions. The aim of our studies is to gain information on, and to further the knowledge about, the vulnerability of dedicated marine (coastal and offshore) areas in Indonesia to marine oil pollution. Two regions of interest (ROI) have been identified, the western part of the Java Sea, with borders 105.0°E - 111.0°E and 7.0°S - 3.0°S, and the Makassar Strait, with borders 116.0°E - 120.0°E and 5.5°S - 1.0°N. The ROIs were chosen because of high economical activities (including ship traffic) and a high density of MPAs and coral reefs, respectively. Oil pollution density maps are being produced for both areas and, along with sensitivity charts of coastal areas, are used as input for numerical modelling activities. The ultimate goal of this effort is to provide qualitative and quantitative information on the way, in which marine oil pollution presents a hazard to particularly sensitive coastal regions.

SAR Pollution Statistics

Regions of Interest

The aim of our studies is to gain information on, and to further the knowledge about, the vulnerability of dedicated marine (coastal and offshore) areas in Indonesia to marine oil pollution. Two regions of interest (ROI) have been identified, the western part of the Java Sea, with borders 105.0°E - 111.0°E and 7.0°S - 3.0°S, and the Makassar Strait, with borders 116.0°E - 120.0°E and 5.5°S - 1.0°N. The ROIs were chosen because of high economical activities (including ship traffic) and a high density of MPAs and coral reefs, respectively. Oil pollution density maps are being produced for both areas and, along with sensitivity charts of coastal areas, are used as input for numerical modelling activities. The ultimate goal of this effort is to provide qualitative and quantitative information on the way, in which marine oil pollution presents a hazard to particularly sensitive coastal regions.


Two regions of interest (ROI) of the proposed study: “W Java Sea” with borders 105.0°E / 111.0°E and 7.0°S / 3.0°S, and “Makassar Strait” with borders 116.0°E /120.0°E and 5.5°S / 1.0°N.

IfmWiki: KFEW3O/SARPollutionStats (last edited 2020-10-05 15:34:47 by MartinGade)