Bestimmung von Strömungsfeldern aus Synthetik-Apertur-Radar- (SAR-) Aufnahmen der Meeresoberfläche

Beschreibung des DTeddie Datenprojektes:

In this project we will develop algorithms to detect, track and measure small scale eddies using high resolution SAR-Data from both RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X satellites. The principle areas to be investigated are the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. In previous work we have already shown, that mesoscale surface currents in the Baltic Sea may be detected and measured by tracking natural surface lms using SAR-images or optical images. The algorithm used was a combination of maximum-cross-correlation and optical flow techniques. In the frame of this e ort, our promising results will be extend to the region of the Black Sea and to the study of small-scale eddies. Special attention will be paid to dynamics of small-scale fronts in semi-enclosed seas. The input of frontal instabilities in the structure formation process will be highlighted. High resolution radar data provides valuable information on the position of fronts, their origin, peaking, transition and destruction. They will be used to receive statistical and other information about their variability, to observe the formation of meanders along the fronts and their departure with the formation of vortices. Type, form and dynamic characteristics of the phenomena stipulated by a front and observed in its immediate proximity: jets, spiral eddies; vortical dipoles, internal waves etc. will be analyzed.

With the high resolution data provided by RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X it will be possible even to study small scale eddies with sizes of less than 1 km. Using data from both satellites we will bene t from the high spatial resolution, the multiple modes of polarisation (more robust feature detection and classi cation) and the higher temporal resolution.

Principal investigator


FEW3O/SARCurrent/SARCurrentintern Zu den internen Seiten der SAR-Auswertungen geht's hier.

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