Scatterometer Measurements on FINO2
FINO2 is the second research platform of the FINO series (FINO = Forschungsplattformen in Nord- und Ostsee; Research Platforms in the North and Baltic Seas) and the only platform in the Baltic Sea. It is located at Kriegers Flak in the Western Baltic Sea, north of the island of Hiddensee, south of the city of Trelleborg and east of the island of Møn, at 55°00'24,94" N 13°09'15,08" E. FINO2 is run by the Germanische Lloyd Garrad Hassan
Photograph of FINO2.
Systematic Measurements on FINO2
In the frame of the BMBF project SOPRAN systematic measurements of the radar backscattering from the sea surface were carried out on FINO2 from summer 2011 thru autumn 2013. Installed was the platform version of U Hamburg's Multi³Scat, which allowed continuous radar backscatter measurements at five frequencies and four polarization combinations.
Wideband antenna of Multi³Scat on FINO2.
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