

ERSEM is a generic model that describes the pelagic and benthic ecosystems and the coupling between them. The model was developed during the European MAST project ERSEM I 1990 - 1993 (special issue: Neth. J. Sea Res. 33). Structural refinement and several applications were realized in the project ERSEM II 1993 - 1996 (special issue: J. Sea Res. 38(3-4)). The Long Term Trend (LTT) Application focussed on the eutrophication of the North Sea in the second half of the twenty century. For all intending to repeat/extend/improve this Long Term Simulation this site gives the tools to do this on an ordinary PC. The description of a more current version can be found in Vichi et al. 2007 (J. Mar Syst. 64: 89-109).

IfmWiki: ECOHAM/ERSEM_SUMMARY (last edited 2014-01-22 16:33:07 by JohannesPaetsch)