README.DOC on Continental Riverloads The data sets available on this ftp-site covers the discharge and the loads for nutrients, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Dissolved Organic Carbon for the continental rivers entering the North Sea for years 1977 to 2006. The data are provided in the following form for each river: date discharge total N nitrate ammonium DIN total P phosphate silicate TALK DIC DOC YY MM DD [m3 s-1] [t N/d] [t N/d] [t N/d] [t N/d] [t P/d] [t P/d] [t Si/d] [Mmol/d] [Mmol/d] [Mmol/d] Mmol stands for Mega mol = 10**6 mol. Data with no values are marked with -999.990 In some rare situations negative values of discharge occure (see chapter on river inputs from the Dutch coast in new report); these are set to zero for the load calculation. The datasets are available as daily values in ASCII ( and EXCEL ( For the Dutch rivers the following relation is given between the measuring sites and the rivers. Lake IJssel --> Vrouwenzand Nordzeekanal --> Ijmuiden (kilometer 2) Nieuwe Waterweg --> Maassluise Haringvliet --> Haringvlietsluis Scheldt --> Schaar van Ouden Doel The description of the nutrient data started with the report by H. Lenhart and J. Paetsch, 2001 (ZMK Report Nr. 40). In a second step the information on Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Dissolved Organic Carbon were added. Information on the load calculation as well as the original data are given in a the report, J. Paetsch and H. Lenhart, 2004 Daily Loads of Nutrients, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Dissolved Organic Carbon of the European Continental Rivers for the Years 1977 - 2002 Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, ZMK Nr. 48: 159pp (RIVER-ZMK-48.pdf). A Technical report is added for an overview including the extension of the data up to 2006 (RIVER2006.pdf). Since this is not yet an official ZMK-report please use for citation the present official ZMK report. J. Paetsch and H. Lenhart, 2004 Daily Loads of Nutrients, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Dissolved Organic Carbon of the European Continental Rivers for the Years 1977 - 2002 Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, ZMK Nr. 48: 159pp