


The ICES dataset was provided by the data centre of the International Council of the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) for the comparison of eutrophication models for the North Sea (OSPAR et al. 1998, Moll 2000, Soiland & Skogen 2000). The dataset was derived from all available data held at the ICES data centre for the years 1980 to 1989 and consists of climatological seasonal means of chlorophyll, phosphate, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and silicate concentrations and their standard deviations; it covers the whole North Sea region. The data were averaged spatially over boxes of 0.5° longitude and 1° latitude Initiates file download(see Figure), whereby each box was subdivided into a surface layer (0 - 20 m) and a bottom layer (20 m - bottom). To obtain the necessary spatial coverage the temporal averaging had to be relatively coarse and was done for three seasonal periods: January-February (JF), May, June and July (MJJ), and July, August and September (JAS). For each box and each seasonal period, the mean value and the standard deviation of the data were given.

The dataset can be ordered from ICES, which can be contacted via the internet ->ICES

For questions please contact ->Andreas Moll, Institut für Meereskunde, Hamburg, Germany.


OSPAR, Villars, M., de Vries, I., Bokhorst, M., Ferreira, J., Gellers-Barkmann, S., Kelly-Gerreyn, B., Lancelot, C., Mensguen, A., Moll, A., Pätsch, J., Radach, G., Skogen, M., Soiland, H., Svendsen, E. and Vested, H.J., 1998. Report of the ASMO modelling workshop on eutrophication Issues, 5-8 November 1996, The Hague, The Netherlands. Report for Commission Report, Netherlands Institute for Coastal and Marine Management, RIKZ, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Moll, A., 2000. Assessment of three-dimensional physical-biological ECOHAM1 simulations by quantified validation for the North Sea with ICES and ERSEM data. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57(4): 1060-1068.

Soiland, H. and Skogen, M.D., 2000. Validation of a three-dimensional biophysical model using nutrient observations in the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 816-823.

IfmWiki: ECOHAM/DATA_ICES (last edited 2014-01-22 16:28:20 by JohannesPaetsch)